Partner APIs
The following endpoints can be used to interact with Mailazy Partner Services.
1. Check Account Status
Creates a Mailazy account if it does not already exist. Partner would be responsible for account validation/email verification.
Method | HTTP POST |
Path | /api/v1/account/status |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | {
} |
Response | {
`"domainverified": false,
`"accountexist": false } |
2. Create Account
Creates a Mailazy account if it does not already exist. Partner would be responsible for account validation/email verification.
Method | HTTP POST |
Path | /api/v1/account/ |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | {
} |
Response | {
} |
3. Verify Account
Checks whether an account exists.
Method | HTTP POST |
Path | /api/v1/account/verify |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | { "email": "","otp": "768655" } |
Response | {
} |
4. Add Domain
Adds an email-sending domain to an account.
Method | HTTP POST |
Path | /api/v1/account/sender/domain |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | { "email": "","domain": "" } |
Response | {
} |
Q1. Should disposable/free domain be barred?
5. Verify DNS Keys
Verified sender domain verification keys and auto-enable the account to limit and 100 emails per day.
Method | HTTP PUT |
Path | /api/v1/account/sender/verify |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | { "email": "" } |
Response | { "name": "testdefault", "apikey": "vYdnfMtm8MEOhWqaJ0Ctcvg6uq8=", "api_secret": "c2cjkdm90pi53q4ishmg.60937ff63b221a4b64" } |
6. Generate/Re-generate Access Keys
Method | HTTP PUT |
Path | /api/v1/account/sender/access_key |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | { "email": "" } |
Response | { "name": "testdefault", `"apikey": "vYdnfMtm8MEOhWqaJ0Ctcvg6uq8=", "api_secret": "c2cjn8690pi3pg16db1g.60937ff63b221a4b6426a10f.NLm57CicH4ACHSOHloWSgmv5tnwdCuYotnjJiqW1" } |
7. Resend Verification Email
Method | HTTP POST |
Path | /api/v1/account/resendverificationemail |
Header | Authorization: Bearer <partner_token> |
Payload | {
} |
Response | {
} |