Error Codes

All the information about the API error codes

Whenever the Mailazy API detects an input error it will return an HTTP error status code along with a JSON object containing error details, Here you will find additional information about what to expect if you don’t format your request properly, or we fail to properly process your request.

Response Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Email queued successfully
400Unprocessable request, this could be malformed JSON or incorrect fields. In this case, the response body contains JSON with an API error code and message containing details on what went wrong
401Unauthorized, Missing or incorrect access key in header
429Too many requests/Rate limit exceeded
500Internal Server Error, indicates an issue with Mailazy's servers processing your request

Error Codes

A JSON object containing error details along with error code and staus code:

  "error": "err",
  "message": "details",
  "error_code": 100

The error_code field can be used to programmatically detect the type of error. Here are the supported error codes:

Error CodeErrorMessage
100Authentication FailureYour request did not contain the correct Access Key and Secret in the header.
200Malformed RequestValidation failed for the email request JSON data that you provided.
201JSON requiredYour HTTP request does not have the Accept and Content-Type headers set to application/json.
202Invalid Recipient AddressValidation failed for the recipient email address JSON data that you provided.
203Invalid From Mail AddressValidation failed for the from email address JSON data that you provided.
204The from address does not match a verified Sender IdentityYou’re trying to send email with a From address that does not have a sender identity verified with Mailazy.
205Invalid Mail ContentValidation failed for the content data that you provided.
206Invalid gmail recipient addressValidation failed for the gmail recipient email address that you provided, a valid gmail address should be 6–30 characters long.
300Daily Limit ReachedYou have exceeded the daily limit, please reduce the concurrency and request rate of your requests. If your app requires a rate limit increase, please contact support to request it.
301Too many requestYou have reached a limit to send emails in a short period, Please wait for some time or contact us.
401Permission to send email does not existThe account that is associated with the send request is not approved for sending.
401Internal Server ErrorAn unknown error occurred during the execution, please contact support to resolve it.