You can integrate Mailazy in minutes with your platform. Build and monitor your email solution on a trusted foundation with technical and strategic support when you need it the most.
Shipping confirmation emails is an important component of any email communication strategy. In order to ensure delivery of Shipping confirmation emails to your customers, reply on a trusted cloud-based email provider like Mailazy as a partner in your growth journey.
You need to complete these given prerequisites, you can skip the step if you have already completed.
Sign up for a Mailazy account.
Complete Domain Authentication.
Generate the Mailazy Access Key
These instructions will walk you through how to add an SMTP server to an existing Outlook 2013 setup, but you can also add these settings at the account creation stage.
Select File and then select Account and Social Network Settings. Click Account Settings. The 'Account Settings’ window appears. Select the account you receive email through and click Change. The 'Change E-mail Account’ window appears. This setting (in the red rectangle below) needs to be set for our SMTP address. Outgoing Mail Server Under Login Information, please enter your Mailazy access_key and access_secret. Next, click More Settings and enter the information as shown below. (Keep in mind you should use 587 with TLS security.)
Under the “Outgoing Server Tab”, select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication. Click Log on using and enter your Mailazy access_key and access_secret. Click OK and the 'Change E-mail Account’ window appears.
Once you are back on the Change Account screen, click Next to test that everything is setup correctly. If everything checks out correct then you should see this. You should be all set at this point.
Mailazy email delivery platform is powered by AI and uses the global infrastructure so that you can scale effortlessly. Mailazy is the trusted transactional email provider for hundreds of businesses and we are growing every day. We are known for being the most reliable and trusted senders on the internet.