Powerful email API for Developers
Mailazy email API is specifically built for developers to provide easy integration and fast email delivery. With clean API documentation, it's super easy for you to create an amazing email program to deliver emails at scale.
26 million emails delivered last week.
Trusted by 120+ partners and delivering over 650 Million emails/month
For Developers By Developers
Integrating email service to your product is fun with Mailazy Email API. Our simple email API, easy integration, and documentation help you to send emails and scale quickly, whether you want to send 2 emails or 2 million emails.
curl --location --request POST
--header 'X-Api-Key: <API KEY>'
--header 'X-Api-Secret: <API SECRET>'
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
--data-raw {
"to": ["[email protected]"],
"from": "Sender <[email protected]>",
"subject": "<Subject>",
"content": [
"type": "text/plain",
"value": "<Content>"
package main
import (
import "github.com/mailazy/mailazy-go"
func main() {
senderClient :=
mailazy.NewSenderClient("access_key", "access_secret")
to := "[email protected]"
from := "Sender <[email protected]>"
subject := "Sending with mailazy is easy!"
textContent := ""
htmlContent := ""
req := mailazy.NewSendMailRequest(to, from,
subject, textContent, htmlContent)
resp, err := senderClient.Send(req)
const MailazyClient = require('mailazy-node');
const client = new MailazyClient({ accessKey:
'', accessSecret: '' });
const fn = async () => {
try {
const resp = await client.send({
to: '[email protected]', // required
from: '[email protected]', // Use domain
you verified, required
subject: '', // required
text: '',
html: '',
console.log("resp: " + resp);
} catch (e) {
console.log("error: " + e);
import http.client
import mimetypes
conn =
payload = '{"to": ["[email protected]"],
"from": "Sender <[email protected]>", "subject":
"<Subject>", "content": [{"type":
"text/plain","value": "<Content>"}]}'
headers = {
'X-Api-Key': '<API KEY>',
'X-Api-Secret': '<API SECRET>',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
conn.request("POST", "/v1/mail/send", payload,
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
require "uri"
require "net/http"
url = URI("https://api.mailazy.com/v1/mail/send")
https = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port);
https.use_ssl = true
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url)
request["X-Api-Key"] = ">API KEY>"
request["X-Api-Secret"] = ">API SECRET>"
request["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
request.body = '{"to":
["[email protected]"], "from": "Sender
<[email protected]>", "subject": "<Subject>",
"content": [{"type": "text/plain","value":
response = https.request(request)
puts response.read_body
var client = new
client.Timeout = -1;
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("X-Api-Key", ">API KEY>");
request.AddHeader("X-Api-Secret", ">API
request.AddParameter("application/json", "{
\"to\": [\"[email protected]\"], \"from\": \"Sender
<[email protected]>\", \"subject\":
\"<Subject>\", \"content\": [{\"type\":
\"text/plain\",\"value\": \"<Content>\"}]}",
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
["[email protected]"], "from": "Sender
<[email protected]>", "subject": "<Subject>",
"content": [{"type": "text/plain","value":
"X-Api-Key: <API KEY>",
"X-Api-Secret: <API SECRET>",
"Content-Type: application/json"
$response = curl_exec($curl);
echo $response;
libraries and documentation for all your favorite languages and frameworks.
Powerful and Reliable Infrastructure
Our powerful and reliable infrastructure provides the flexibility of sending a few emails and scale to send a few million easily. Our cloud infrastructures remove email delivery complications of large-scale email sending and make email sending super easy either via SMTP integration or RESTful APIs. Mailazy provides availability of 99.9% uptime because of the reliability of infrastructures and tools.
Try for Free -->Security and Privacy
Your privacy and security are important to us. We are continuously working towards making our system secure and protected. Mailazy secure the messages you send with authentication standards like DMARC, DKIM, and SPF. Mailazy provides rotational DKIM so improve the sender reputation factors. The data centers we use at Mailazy demonstrate compliance with rigorous international standards, such as ISO 27018 for cloud privacy, ISO 27017 for cloud security, SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3, PCI DSS Level 1, and more.
Try for Free -->Focus on delivery not just sending
Both fast email delivery and delivery to inbox are important for an email sending platform. We at Mailazy focus on both to provide an exceptional email experience. Our AI based emailing platform helps to achieve optimal inbox placement. Mailazy infrastrucure includes automated queue handling and throttle threat detection that helps us to optimize for inbox delivery.
Try for Free -->Get help whenever you need
Our API specialists understands technical needs quickly, and help identify the source of any problems. They will support to maintain a stable system for increased deliverability and your long-term email program success. Our knowledgeable customer success team is here for you when you need the most.
Try for Free -->Send Emails with Mailazy
Mailazy is a simple email service with so many benefits. The highly scalable and powerful infrastructure helps you grow. Mailazy's team is well-equipped to help you quickly resolve your queries and issues.
Deliver new generation emailing experiences with super fast inbox delivery
Support whenever you need
Our email delivery experts always watching and analyzing delivery patterns to solve your sending complexities and ensure higher deliverability rate.
Send on a customer-trusted platform that help you to send emails and scale quickly, whether you want to send 2 emails or 2 million emails.
Still not sure why you should go for Mailazy ! Know straight from our customers
Our onboarding emails were our biggest customer experience bottleneck. Password resets getting lost in spam, activation links expiring – it was a mess. Mailazy changed the game and had a direct, positive impact on our activation rate and customer retention.
RapidTask - Alex Ngu, Head of Product
We were skeptical that just changing our email delivery would make a huge difference for our marketing campaigns. But the numbers speak for themselves. After switching to Mailazy, our open rates jumped almost 10%, and we're seeing a higher conversion rate on our promotional emails. Turns out, getting past spam filters and into the inbox is half the marketing battle!
Insightsly - Emily Woo - Head of Marketing
Before Mailazy, we'd spend way too much time troubleshooting email deliverability issues for our clients. It was a frustrating distraction from our core development work. Mailazy provides reliable infrastructure that's easy to integrate with our clients' projects. Now we can confidently deliver apps knowing the critical email components will work seamlessly, enhancing both our services and our clients' overall experience.
SwiftDev Studio – Sarah Woods, Project Lead
We were looking for a way to differentiate our agency. Partnering with Mailazy allows us to offer a premium email deliverability solution as part of our service packages. It not only resolves a common pain point for clients but demonstrates our commitment to performance and reliability. Mailazy has helped us increase client satisfaction and even opened up new revenue streams.
Innovate Web Solutions – Mark Edwards, CEO